Our luxury homes annuals are renowned for their metallic gold pages and to celebrate the launch of our 2018 editions,Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and WA Custom Homes – our glittery gold pages could actually turn to gold with a $1,000 Tiffany & Co Gift Card to be won.
To enter all you have to do is like our Facebook page, plus TAG 4 friends that you think deserve a little luxury in “comments” on our Tiffany & Co prize post! You’ll find this pinned to the top of our page.
The winner will receive a $1000 Tiffany & Co Gift Card plus all four of our 2018 annuals valued at over $80. The four friends you tag won’t miss out either, they’ll also get copies of our luxury homes annuals if you win!
Drawn April 30th and Remember, the more groups of four friends you tag, the more chances you have to WIN!
WIN a $1,000 Tiffany & Co. GIFT CARD – just SHARE & SHINE!?

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