Johnstone and Johnson adopts a holistic approach for sustainability and solar passive design by pushing site controls and building envelopes to the limit in creating bold and modernist high-end residential designs. Their multidisciplinary design studio is passionate about the interaction between built forms and the environment, striving to deliver designs that are sympathetic with the surrounding environment yet engaging and compelling beyond their function.

With over a decade of experience, Toby Johnson, the founder of Johnstone and Johnson, has created an exciting and diverse portfolio of high-end residential projects, not limited to any particular building typology. By treating every project as a unique challenge, Toby has designed buildings that are intimately connected to the circumstances and needs of each client, from multi-level waterfront residences and inner-city terraces to rural retreats. But no matter the budget, size, shape and location of a building, the overriding philosophy behind every Johnstone and Johnson project is that the design should speak for itself.

As a small bespoke practice, Johnstone and Johnson is able to provide clients with a personalised service throughout all stages of design and construction, something lacking in many larger firms. Toby’s skillset encompasses all aspects of design, from conceptual modelling, detailed documentation, building approvals, interior design as well as the construction process itself. He is convinced that design excellence comes only from the application of rigour to the design process, as well as continual dialogue with clients, councils, consultants and contractors.


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